Nov 02, 2014. By: mastergamer345
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"Altaria :)"

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Scare! Is the person who suddenly appears a player or an NPC?What is his mission?It looks familiar. What kind of secret is hidden behind it.
Follow "Master And Seven Lovers" for more details on the story.

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Start doing the task! Do more tasks to speed up the pace of upgrading!
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Blue exclamation point, what will you find when you trigger it?
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So that's the purpose of using likability to find out preferences.Fortunately, there was no danger!
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It's clever to think of using likability to verify preferences! But isn't it dangerous if the likability is reduced to a certain value? Will WINNIE make a risky choice?
Follow "Master And Seven Lovers" for more details on the story.

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Let a person think of so much, the result is just a change of pajamas? WINNIE: The Joker is me?
Follow "Master And Seven Lovers" for more details on the story.

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This plot!Are you serious? Is it something I can see for free?ls there really going to be this plot or is there going to be a twist? Follow "Master And Seven
Lovers" for more details on the story.

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I'm afraid this is not a Hongmen banquet? But the cake is really delicious.
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If it were you, what would you do if you met this kind of Shura field?
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That being said, can this promise really save WINNIE's life in a critical moment?
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Why do you think HITTE suddenly changed its face? What does he want to do?
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Is being a bride as dangerous as being besieged by werewolves?! How will WINNIE choose?
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Eh! Sure enough, the game will not be so easy to attack the characters, WINNIE almost happy in vain.
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To play the brother's bride before the real one shows up?It seems that this is a very critical decision!How will WINNIE choose?
Follow "Master And Seven Lovers" for more details on the story.

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When you meet such a system, do you want to beat him like WINNIE?
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Although is the twin brother, but the elder brother is the blood race, the younger brother is actually the immortal human!No one knows why?Follow "Master And Seven Lovers" for more details on the story.

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What would an immortal human be like? What are the characteristics? Have you ever wanted to live a long life?
Follow "Master And Seven Lovers" for more details on the story.

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The two brothers of the blood clan are so handsome! The two people have different personalities, but they seem to have a good relationship.
Follow "Master And Seven Lovers" for more details on the story.

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Can the person he said say brother? Will there be any clues to find WINNIE's brother?Follow "Master And Seven Lovers" for more details on the story.

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