Rise may be the best monster hunter to date and i just lñove the art direction of this game, specially the secondary character!!

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The Silver Baron Dragon, Malzeno!

Absolutely adore the design of this Monster and seriously looking forward to seeing him in Sunbreak next year!!

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Malzeno / Mel Zena - Sunbreak.

Just had to do it, honestly the design grows on me and they just look to gorgeous in the render/trailer.

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Me acordé de cuando veía monster high y siempre me imaginaba como se verían los hijo de alguno personajes ,así que me puse manos a la obra owo

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Ya que estoy pegada con las MH, les dejo una Draculaura bonita💖

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TW. Gore. Redraw! Did some fanart back in 2018, It was about time to make a redo. First post of my art v. latest kinda thing I guess

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Monster high reboot collab with .s.h.u.a._ on Instagram. The main work I did was background, lights and shadows ✨🌙

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