画質 高画質

Dcp eu precisei desabafar
eu sei, ta uma merda msm

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Eu e a rei dividindo o mesmo neurônio pq eu pensei a msm coisa

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Hoii gente, Vic aqui, para avisar aos que se importam que eu perdi a senha da minha outra conta e não estou conseguindo recuperar, então vou ficar usando essa msm para postar as artes sfw.
Quem puder dar rt para ajudar eu ia agradecer muito.
Capivara estilo para chamar a atenção.

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Air and Coastal Scrub wubbox (Zephyrai and Sage)
So this is a Canon x OC ship, don't mind me or attack me for this
I redesigned Sage because someone on tiktok said that she looks like grumpyre 😊

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Tá pra sair um live action d Elric. Ele é um dos pais do subgenero dark fantasy, inclusive tem coisa dele ctrl c/v em Berserk. Msm q saia algo mto chulé assim acaba trazendo novos leitores pra obra, obv ninguém quer isso, mas é a melhor resolução nesses casos (vide berserk 2016)

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Compartilhe um fato inútil sobre seu OC✨

•Berry (ruivinho): Tem cabelo com gosto de morango
•Axel (Axolote): Fica mt agitado quando come chocolate
•Jack (pessoa de cabelo azul): não usa Gel nem nenhum produto no cabelo, o formato, penteado e a cor é natural msm

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qrt with ur faces

(eu ia fazer uma piada falando q meu estilo é inconsistente sla oq, mas até q ultimamente ele ta bem consistente, parece real q foi o msm artista q fez. São pequenos truques que dão consistência a um artista maluco!) https://t.co/ZFmoRtGkgN

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happy april fools! to celebrate such an occasion i have finally drawn my very own msm monster (and the ultimate prankster themself) in my art style

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G’joob: I’m from plant, I’ve had worse

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Fiz 8 modelos da protagonista da minha animação, a roleta escolheu a 8 mandei ela se foder e escolhi a 3 só vou mudar a cor da blusa pra msm cor da 5

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RachelleMiller scored $650 000 from the public purse

Unsurprisingly majority of chose to not mention the reasons for

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May those voters marking their ballots …

Mary is the antithesis of the Liberal candidate

in its coverage of the by-election the majority of chose to avoid mention of the reasons for the by-election

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« journalists » who’ve been helping by avoiding mention of the reasons for & the fact she’s married to James, political editor of the infamous HeraldSun you’ve 4 hours to redeem yourselves.

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Tive que fazer msm sabendo q praticamente ngm vai entende pq n tenho mut q goste de ranma https://t.co/yZjAhHfVKN

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Had been a Labor scandal, & been a Labor Lad the grotesquerie that is the majority of would have, from the rooftops, been shouting the reasons for

$650 000 from public purse for Rachelle


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Btw! I can do fanmade monsters from Raw Zebra or someone like that! Just send me photo! If possible, both DnB character and fanmade monster character!

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The first rendered monster of my fanmade msm class! He is of the Sphern species and of the Foliage element
He plays shakers and woodblocks

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