really missed the boat this morning by not having the 'slouch on the couch' back on.

He's probably sleeping it off in his new home somewhere in the electorate of Aston.

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RachelleMiller scored $650 000 from the public purse

Unsurprisingly majority of chose to not mention the reasons for

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May those voters marking their ballots …

Mary is the antithesis of the Liberal candidate

in its coverage of the by-election the majority of chose to avoid mention of the reasons for the by-election

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« journalists » who’ve been helping by avoiding mention of the reasons for & the fact she’s married to James, political editor of the infamous HeraldSun you’ve 4 hours to redeem yourselves.

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Had been a Labor scandal, & been a Labor Lad the grotesquerie that is the majority of would have, from the rooftops, been shouting the reasons for

$650 000 from public purse for Rachelle


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