‘King and Queen’
Graphite sketch on moleskine paper

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My Moleskine piece from 2019 has been included in The Moleskine Project Volume 3 by Paragon Books! Thrilled to be in print along an inspiring roster of artists!

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Crawford Lake, Canada - Graphite on Moleskine Paper

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I love using fountain pens although for a quick light outdoor sketch a rollerball is always more handy 😊

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“girl in a girl’s body” - ink in moleskine

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My student daughter lost a black A5 ‘Moleskine’ notebook full of her sketches and artwork in the Arts Block last Thursday - if you find it, can you please hand it in to Arts Block Reception? Please RT! Many thanks.

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Some old drawing studies. Going though my old Moleskines is always fun 👀

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過去の より、2009年11月ごろのスケッチ。実はもともとぼくは色鉛筆使いで、この当時既に滅多に使わなくなっていたもののいくつか着彩したスケッチが残っていて、これはそのひとつ。

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A sketch I did of some satyrs trying to tempt dryads down from their tree. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn’t. Week 3 of I’d like to figure this out for a painting.

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昔の より、2009年12月ごろのスケッチ。謎の5コママンガ…今見ても意味がわからない。今は無き天神のフレッシュネスバーガーにて描いたもの。

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