Enrich us how can’t effect average folks ? Because your presumption is incorrect

0 0

This is my Entry To the

I decided to showcase from

In recent times we have faced many hardships from all over the diffrent times and hardships. I wanted to showcase a hardship that is monkeypox. 1/1

5 54

Well your making LGBTQ people more of a target 🎯. We need to prepare general population as well is not just exclusive to sexuality it’s not a and the way all the information being given makes it only directed at this community

0 4



MERGE Bastard

ETH is merging... but at the cost of monkeypox 😬

MINT: .025

11 41

no monkeying around this sums up my concerns as well about https://t.co/Fjp6HdqVvb

0 0

The misinformation and well open gay bashing in these comments is sadly what I expected from . I can’t stand it when I’m right https://t.co/6tNa44VI35

1 1

There's an emergency you might want to declare that's a little bigger than monkeypox...#ClimateEmergency

14 29

Bummer health pupdate:
Got tested, thanks to my LGBTQ clinic, for orthopox AKA monkeypox Friday. But the government facility they had to send my test to fucked it up :( So I have to get retested today
While I'm in limbo, I need $ for takeout, K0-fi in b!o please
Shares appreshed

3 4

Leaving u with this while I go get the monkeypox vaccine 🤡 🩸👇🏼

0 19

Je me suis dit qu'il fallait faire le point sur le Monkeypox, du coup j'ai dessiné quelques trucs. 1/3

457 703

I wont be posting much becuase of school. I heard there is a New Sickness Called Monkeypox.

2 8

How long will it take for media to start talking about the teacher shortage Teachers are facing BS extremism , and zero respect

0 2

looking at the monkeypox case number in my state and reminiscing to when the covid case number was that lose

0 2

My parents are on the "Only gay ppl can get MonkeyPox, so we have nothing to worry about" train. Please help

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