learned how to do the crt effect

1469 17445

day .3. of requesting to sponsor me <.<

ive already got the iconic mustache!! XD

(art by the amazing @/Melvin_CRT)

8 19

fanart i drew of crt dying in a glue trap

8 36

CRT/Virus Bot Klicki line! I really love the design I came up with for this :] star it here if you like it too: https://t.co/Kz0ZbxUCDM

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Final addition is a peritel cable as a chain so I don't lose them(I always leave my glasses around)!

And it plugs into your CRT if you want to play Zombie Revenge with me 💜☣️

What do you think?

8 19

People kept cracking jokes about KKKstarter because they're reading my comics on an old CRT monitor at the other end of the room, so I fixed that too.

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today i learmt that crt monitors are slightly radioactive

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Just a friendly reminder to you, my friends, Your King loves and supports you very much!
Please keep up the amazing work as we push into the new week!
🎨 :@/Melvin_CRT

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If you turned the CRT tv on in 2002 and this started playing, would y’all watch?

142 1166

I figured i would try, seeing as the pic was like 80s themed i tried to make it look like it could be on a crt tv

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unsettling eye imagery // ⚠️
Generation Loss: Coming Soon on CRT TVs Near You!
day 5 of daily drawings, retweets are appreciated!

48 332

I finished arranging it for the MSX2. I hope you like it!

(The 2nd picture is a photo taken from my real MSX connected to the CRT TV. But the contrast is *much* better to the naked eye, and there's less blue tint. The camera just cannot capture it very well.)

3 9

트위터에서 gif 확대가 안되는것 같아서 결과 gif만 따로 첨부해둡니다. key pose 단계에서 리터칭을 잘 해놓는다면 pixel 결과물에서는 끊어진 라인만 조금 수정하고 인게임에 바로 써도 될것 같아 보입니다. 만약 CRT 모니터, 스캔라인 같은 쉐이더를 쓴다면 라인 정리도 필요 없을것 같네요.🤔

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Alt. version without the CRT effect.

Compare the two versions and see how much of a difference it makes!

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messing with this crt filter i found and it works pretty well

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