This counts as a “Vehicle” right? Hey the Moogle Mails gotta be delivered even if it means using Gyshal power! Day 14 ...

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Day 14: Airship

So many awesome Airships in the Final Fantasy world, but I decided to go with the original.

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Day 11: Male Character

Vivi is probably one of the cutest characters in all of Final Fantasy. I had to 💕❤️💕❤️

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Summon: Good King Moogle Mog!
So, I totally posted the wrong picture today for the "summon" prompt. So for those of you who caught my previously posted pic, you have a sneak preview for tomorrow! Until then... Summon the King of Moogles!

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“Armor” for . XIII wasn’t my favourite FF game but I thought Lightning was pretty cool. I really like pink hair⚡️

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Day 6
FF7 Cid but I used advent children Cid as reference. The way he cursed was so funny to me back then 🤬

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Day 5: Weapon

Tonberrys carry what appears to be a simple little knife.... But they are one of the most terrifying enemies! Also one of the cutest!

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Day 4 Black Mage.
I just adore Vivi. I can't wait to play FF9 on the Switch. B. Mages are so cool, don't you think? 💕

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Day 2: Quistis Trepe
She’s such a cool character that I just really wanted to draw.

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The first Final Fantasy I ever played was FFIV. It started a life long love of the series. So for Day 2 Female character I did Rydia.

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