Agaath Dottridge is inspired by mountains all over the world, particularly The Karakorum & Himalaya. Her style is contemporary & she often produces paintings for mountaineers.

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In the Caucasus. Sitting Mountaineers, 1889

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In the Caucasus. Sitting Mountaineers, 1889

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In the Caucasus. Sitting Mountaineers, 1889

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In the Caucasus. Sitting Mountaineers, 1889

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In the Caucasus. Sitting Mountaineers, 1889

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In the Caucasus. Sitting Mountaineers, 1889

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is offering a special exhibition on mountaineers who scaled Xueshan (formerly known as Mount Sylvia), one of the most prominent mountains in


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In the Caucasus. Sitting Mountaineers, 1889

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In the Caucasus. Sitting Mountaineers, 1889

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At the hospital, police attempt to question Theo Halbot about what happened on Mount Rector. But he is making little sense, rambling about a giant devouring his fellow mountaineers, and behaving unnaturally.

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Ready to climb the Matterhorn with this hardy team of silent mountaineers: + + + .

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