If you love YA Fantasy, consider requesting an ARC of THE UNKNOWN SUN.

Request a copy now! Closes today!!


4 4

If you love YA Fantasy, consider requesting an ARC of THE UNKNOWN SUN.

Request a copy now! Closes 8/30!!


5 3

The Wall is everywhere. Green & Brown Zones in L.A. dystopia. There is no escape. Fight or die. Start with LOM Book One on Amazon https://t.co/P8GiQyGMS3

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Run for your life... It's from Check out Sharks from Mars Book:1 https://t.co/3tId3kgHru . SFM2: The Battle for Earth & SFM3: Return to Mars will be available in a few months

9 3

Run for your life... It's from Check out Sharks from Mars Book:1 https://t.co/3tId3kgHru. SFM2: The Battle for Earth & SFM3: Return to Mars will be available in a few months.

29 12

Check out Sharks from Mars Book 1 https://t.co/3tId3kgHru . SFM2: The Battle for Earth & SFM3: Return to Mars will be available in a few months.

21 7

Finally, a shark's tale with some teeth... It's from trilogy that will be available this year. Get your copy of Sharks from Mars: Book 1 (40% off paperback) https://t.co/3tId3kgHru

23 10

Run for your life... It's from trilogy that will be available this year. Get your copy of Sharks from Mars: Book 1 (40% off paperback): https://t.co/3tId3kgHru

20 4

Run for your life... it's from trilogy that will be available this year. Get your copy of Sharks from Mars Book 1 (40% off paperback): https://t.co/3tId3kgHru

29 5

The Phantasmagoriad: A Dark Fantasy Gothic Horror & Grimdark Fairytale for Adults.
Book 1 - is Available Now https://t.co/thYmd4ASm3!
Book 2 - -

11 6

Chapter 2 is here! Promo cover for Infosapien written by awesome , read it at https://t.co/dRV2iqgZkl check it out on my artstation https://t.co/dEPHyYboPk

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The Nysta series is about to evolve. Become part of her new journey now. https://t.co/sP0kWwYenK

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Webfic serial "Screaming Metal" () inspired by Dragon's Heaven & Saberhagen's Berserker.

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An alien AI, a junk-merc crew, and a thick veil of mystery. "Screaming Metal" https://t.co/937aIxC6JI

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