"A Proustian paint-by-numbers... [The nods and allusions in A DARK INTERLUDE] unapologetically pour down on the Kovalyovian nose, with all the alliterative agony of Nabokov or Poe. It doesn’t get much more delightfully meta than this." https://t.co/NDrIcqJqzC

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Catgirls + one more catboy... nabokov, fiona, miller, shelley......................... NYAA 💛💛💛💛

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Finished a movie poster for the book Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov today for my assignment! :’D so far I’m super proud of the way it turned out! 💕💕✨✨✨#vladimirnabokovlolita

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O que eu pensei: mais uma tentativa de "fahrenheit 451" aplicada ao livro do Nabokov e há pessoas se mobilizando contra? Não pode ser!

O que é: campanha para libertar uma baleia orca do cativeiro.

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I love this movie and this photo so much!Lolita 1997 Vladimir Nabokov.
Dominique Swain and her beauty is such an inspiration..I just love her.❤️❤️❤️

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“Stirless, I stand at the window, and in the black bowl of the sky glows like a golden drop of honey the mellow moon” 🌔 Vladimir Nabokov

Purple Haze available at


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“Tutti siamo capaci di inventare il futuro, ma solo chi è saggio può creare il passato.”




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En el último stream de , en una escena donde Kara está mirando una noticia, se mencionó "Nabokov" y en ese momento se me vino esto a la mente xd

1 6

Hey, I'm Nighttime Tea Party, I draw and write sebaciel content!
My multichapter fanfics:
Ciel - A Reimagination of Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita (completed): https://t.co/b2bGpGr6XO
(ongoing): https://t.co/t0cUIFngpr

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"El romper de una ola, no puede explicar todo el mar".
- Vladimir Nabokov.

14 64

Top 10 books about imaginary friends

From Lewis Carroll to Vladimir Nabokov and Shirley Jackson, the best of these stories combine fantasy with very real psychology https://t.co/LKJUMcI3W1

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“Ero in paradiso. Un paradiso illuminato dalle luci dell'inferno, ma comunque un paradiso.”

Una storia torbida ma affascinante, magia,incanto e disincanto.
La scrittura è diretta,musicale,evocativa e mai,mai una volta banale.


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“ I wanted to transfuse myself thus into all of nature......or a dragonfly, or the solar sphere.”

inspired by Nabokov’s short story


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It was a pleasure to write an essay for Charlie Godet Thomas’ new publication Dim Lit. The text, Verbal Bodies, looks at the architecture of puns, Nabokov’s verbal shadows and what text transmits when it can’t clearly communicate.

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"No te enfades con la lluvia, simplemente no sabe cómo caer hacia arriba."
Vladimir Nabokov

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