Chapter 8: The Return of the Shadow Squirrels

As the Star Squirrels explored the universe, they encountered many different creatures and beings, some good and some evil. And among these creatures was a dark force, one that threatened to destroy…

5 8

Chapter 7: The Quest for the Ultimate Nut

With the rise of the Star Squirrels, the universe had never been more full of wonder and magic. But the squirrels were not content to simply explore and discover. They had a greater purpose, one that they…

9 16

Chapter 6: The Birth of the Star Squirrels

With the war against the Shadow Squirrels won, the Squirrel Kingdom looked to the future. They knew that they must continue to explore and learn, and they saw that there were still mysteries waiting to…

6 18

Yeah, i remember that as the show progressed that annoying slime ghost had more focus and the eps were duller at the point that they repeated the same plot of an previous ep, the one with the necronomicon but now was called... The book.

0 2

Squirrelnomicon Chapter 4: The Great Quest

As the Squirrel Kingdom continued to grow, the squirrels began to realize that there were still mysteries left to be solved. They knew that there were ancient and powerful artifacts scattered throughout the universe, artifacts that held…

11 32

❤️Stream Starting Soon❤️ Blood stains these halls, and we begin the ritual tonight! Oh, sorry, I pulled out the Necronomicon by accident, but I will be playing some Bloodstained! Come watch me flail about and try my best! ❤️Link in the reply.❤️

3 2

Your ITEM Sold on 🚀🐿️

q editions left! Dont miss that squirrel out of your collection!rrelnomicon!
May the great squirrel be with all of you!

1 last editions left! Dont miss that squirrel out of your collection!

6 7

Your ITEM Sold on 🚀🐿️

GalaxyDustNFT and have collected the squirrel, which reads the squirrelnomicon!
May the great squirrel be with all of you!

2 editions left! Dont miss that squirrel out of your collection!

6 14

Relearning CSP has been fun so far, couldnt figure out what to draw so with chat we did the Necronomicon from memory

1 12

G’Night, All!

R'lyeh, Cthalk to you cthoon.
(2010) - Alan Moore, Jacen Burrows, Juanmar

0 4

I like the new Annie changes! Especially the more powerful shield that can also reflects abilities.
Also i love the new morellonomicon, it gives you anything a mage needs: AP, Penetration and Grievous Wounds. This also allows you to build Rabadons as a 3rd item more frequently❤️

1 5

Update regarding English text injection to NECRONOMICON:
Pleased to report that it does in fact function to some capacity! No crashing and data doesn't appear to be overwritten.
(Note translation is not final and I didn't misspell "am" the m just looks like an n in this font >.>)

21 84

you already KNOW who the skeleboys gotta BE

xenophanes belongs to shei a.k.a. @/ASTRANOMICONX (didn't wanna ping her a second time in 24 hours, she just got back from her hiatus ;w;)

21 87

and look, *more* Character illustrations for Ghostfire Gaming's Quest-o-nomicon


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