15 - Australian Vampires

Contrary to popular belief, all of Aprils prompts are what wants to name his soon to be formed, nu-disco/alternative pop band 🤣

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Day 14 of
While I was doing an art stream, i was drawing 's OC. I took a break from it to work on the prompt.. and turned the OC straight super saiyan! "It's an attack of Geometry!"

Today's Prompt: Explosion

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Day 12 of
Legit, I had no idea who this was before today. I thought I had to make a scud missile into an assassin somehow. Crisis averted!

Today's Prompt: Scud the Disposable Assassin

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Day 11 of
Behold! The foundations of animation! A zoetrope, a fantascope, and film! That's what the challenge was, right? Totally.

Today's Prompt: Animation

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Day 11 of : Animation.
Tried some game effects, like an implode thing. i dunno

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Day 9 of
Kitties with their beans against glass is happiness itself. Even if the kitty is plotting murduuurrr

Today's Prompt: Glass

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9th day of "Glass"#pixelart. With such a theme, I tried to draw a stained-glass window.

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Day 8 of
Making a glitch of some sort without animation was a challenge. But digital smearing is hands down my favorite glitches. This is in honor of that!

Today's Prompt: Glitch

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Day 7 of
I took the challenge as literally as possible...

Today's Prompt: Ice Goblin(s)

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Day 7th of "Ice goblins" as a theme and "Pole" rule in addition. I decided to try highly anti-aliased style I have done this before, but not on that level of anti-aliasing and not without a reference. Bit of "pillow shading" but still okay, i think

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Day 6 of
I could choose any cartoon ever for this theme and I chose Belladonna of Sadness. A mature 70s cartoon about witches.

Today's Prompt: Cartoon

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Day 6 of : Cartoon.
Need to work on my anime girls

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Day 6 of Theme is cartoon. I decided to try to draw from I like this little guy) No heavy referencing today. Only me and my crooked hands)

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