Hello Pizza Tower Community I present you the full cast of Hell Tower AU

246 1205

you've heard of Pizza Tower (obviously), you've even heard of Sugary Spire, but now get ready for.

Burger Bunker.

207 1099

enough being evil have you tried this shit called homosexuality

26 147


1 12

al chileno le gusta el chiste corto 🇨🇱
colaboracion con ya que estamos trabajando con mas personas en Completorre Mod!

140 514

Fuck you. American Pizza Tower. I call it Burger Castle

7 26

Drew more of Maggot Peppino. And thought of a scenario where Peppino teaches him how to make a pizza.

0 14

Hey everyone, before we go any further with the comic and other things, I want to clear something real quick (please read the entire 🧵).

8 45

I haven't posted a sprite in a few days so uuuuhhhh
here's a Pizza Tower sprite I did in a server of friends because we like doing sona AUs
The theme is now burgers instead of pizza and I got Peppino

1 6

Saw this little guy and thought I'd draw him a bit (I love Apple Jim sm omfg)

6 33