Also, drew heinzlike's lil pizzelle robot oc, very fun lil guy hurrah ← is this the right hashtag I thought the oc was just pretzel

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ITS FINISHED! thanks to my friends and the people across discord servers that suggsted things (here come a bunch of hashtags)

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As it's that time of year again, here are the duo decked out in their Pride gear 🏳️‍🌈✨🩵

4 11

was bored earlier today and decided to revisit the sugarfied fake-pepp headcanon i made one time

here's pizza-faux lol

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sugarcube hailstorm redraw bc ive been listening to it on loop

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More Doodles on Aggie I did using a mouse on my laptop 🤠#pizzatower

5 24

Pizzelle bcus he's cool
(repost bcus i forgot his lil mustache)

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