Out of all the marvelous proboscideans I think my favourite is the humble american mastodon. bloody hell they are hard to sculpt though

23 182


A really odd 4 meter long proboscidean easily recognized by its odd shovel like lower jaw, likely used to cut branches and strip bark from trees to feed

ALT: it was originally believed to live in swampy areas, using it teeth to shovel for aquatic vegetation

11 43

Our Mastodon shares their environment with black bears and a goose, two local animals left in the shadow of the now extinct proboscidean. One major aspect of our outreach is conveying just how many animals are more than we often think of them as.

1 37

Proboscidean Reunion

3 19

The woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius), because I want proboscideans living where I am.

Art of a mammoth in their winter coat by . Range map via Wikimedia Commons. https://t.co/yMvZccurIJ

2 17


A 3 meter tall prehistoric proboscidean closely related to modern elephants, but with much longer tusks, likely used for defense, it lived and fed in forests

ALT: A species of anancus named after the Egyptian god of fertility and death that held a crook and flail

9 50

New pub from
and colleagues in . They explore macroevolutionary trends in my favourite group of mammals!


51 185

It's so I thought you might enjoy these Platybelodons 😃A proboscidean (group that incl. elephants🐘) that lived ~15-5 mya in Eurasia, Africa & N. America. These are in the Beijing Museum of Natural History. by Nikolai Litvinenko.

10 34

Gomphotherium is an extinct genus of proboscidean that lived in the early Miocene of North America.

82 505

There are quite a few other animals with trunks (trunks = extended upper lip + snoot). And not all elephants (proboscideans) had trunks, the earliest didn't. But certainly elephants really went to town with their sniffers! 🐘 (pics: Wikipedia/dinopedia)

0 4


(shared w/her permission ❤️🦣)

6 56

Photo attempt number one: I curse my house for its terrible lighting.

I’m looking to find a home/buyer for my 9ishx12ish vinyl poster. As a part of my thesis, it never saw the light of day until now. (Can also print new copies)

8 53

Cuvieronius was a strange, elephant-like animal related possibly to the mastodons, and probably lived in a variety of environments from chilly highlands, to warm jungles. It was well-known for its rather spiraled tusks unlike any other known proboscidean. Twisted!

4 21

More Rokhs for my project, Rogue!
We have here normal and royal versions :)

I imagine them being big wyvern-like creatures, that favourite prey are various proboscideans and big perissodactilians or Rogue world.

34 128

Hey, I recently hit 2,000 followers! Hooray! Hello everyone -- I'm Ali and my research looks at head muscles of herbivorous dinosaurs, dicynodonts, and elephants and their extinct proboscidean relatives! Thanks for following. :)

22 133

Sicilian dwarf elephant (Palaeoloxodon falconeri), a proboscidean from Pleistocene Sicily that reached 1.3 meters in height.

7 11

Here are my top 4 extinct proboscideans, challenge by
- Stegoterabelodon syrticus
- Deinotherium bozasi
- Palaeoloxodon namadicus
- Gomphotherium angustidens
(love em all despite the rankings)

1 12

A delightfully cursed proboscidean from Asia. Stegodon insignis.

25 121

A catalogue of some of my comparative sketches found on https://t.co/w5QCRQnbXO

That QR code may or may not link to something...

10 42