Great cartoon. Just when the world was looking forward to the modernisation of and Putin seemed almost normal, he set the country back 150 years.

1 5

Jim Jones once told his followers to drink the poison ☠️ Kool-aid 🥤. The USSR 🇷🇺 leader told his people they’ll go to Heaven if a nuclear ☢️ attack happened 😳. love 💕 will take you to Heaven, not

0 1

„Krieg gegen die Ukraine:
Kampfdelfine für Putins Flotte”

3 13

Two things how many people are swept so can get to yacht club .. ( bad look ) dems .. This visit was very blind . And stop saying putins price hikes it’s disingenuous.. I think Oregon election 🗳 Dems are gonna have to work reallly hard !!

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„Krieg gegen die Ukraine:
Behörden melden Beschuss von Flüchtlingsbussen“

12 34

„Russland widerspricht:
Laut ukrainischem Präsidentenberater russischer Raketenkreuzer „Moskwa“ gesunken“

24 94

Martin Rowson on Macron’s battle with the forces of nationalism – political cartoon gallery in London

7 24