
14 80

복귀 기념 삼각두!! 가볍게 대충 그릴려고 했는데 ㅋㅋㅋ
오랜만에 마음이 벅차서ㅠㅠㅠ너무 집중해서 그려버렸다.🤣

48 185

❤️❤️Hearts special! ❤️❤️
It’s valentines soon! So I’m opening heart shaped commission at cheap price till the 16th!
Dm me if interested!

8 15


3 8

I redrew one of my favorite moments form Silent Hill 2, the one where the Pyramid thing stares at you from behind bars..

2 4

happy Friday the 13th! Enjoy a WIP that I will one day finish... hopefully

20 90

DBD Self insert 2.0, I cleaned it up and added a fun little comic. Local nonbinary gremlin harasses hot monsters--

12 69

채색 너무 어렵다 ㅠㅠ

12 67

🔪❤️🔺 <<🪤😩

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