It doesn't matter how precisely the onion is cut as long as the person chewing it is happy.
- Padma Lakshmi

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“The measure of greatness in a scientific idea is the extent to which it stimulates thought and opens up new lines of research.”
― Paul Dirac

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"Our words are giants when they do us an injury, and dwarfs when they do us a service."
-- Wilkie Collins

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"That we shall die, we know;
'Tis but the time and drawing days out
That men stand upon."
-- William Shakespeare

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quote of the day, by a teenager for the teenager in you.

'Replace anxiety with gratitude.' ~ Maisie


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quote of the day, brought to you by a teenager for the teenager in you.

'I would rather walk.' ~ Clemency

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quote of the day, brought to you by a teenager for the teenager in you.

'The dream is free, the hard work, not so much.' ~ Veyatie

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