Just for reminding you,#JillValentine's hair style from OG is long.
Due graphics limitation,Jill collects hair into beret so her style shown in and isn't a new one for her at all.
She has both short and long hair through whole serie

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For design,Capcom considered to feature her with short hair and a beret like style but they were discarded 'cause takes place just 1 year before and she couldn't wear hat due swimming game parts

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Genesis' BSAA device,used due examining BOWs and virueses,was supposed to be glasses in the early concepts

Jill has Genesis item as special move in 2 different cross over games:#ProjectXZone and

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Jill's BSAA diving suit for was influenced by her original STARS uniform but with marine features as Capcom artists said
Blue colour is totally one of Jill's mark since 1996

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Jill's BSAA uniform shown the first time in RE5 is available also for and

Capcom's artists said this outfit is totally Jill's style so they approved immediately

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One of Jill's discarded extra outfit for Resident Evil Revelations is June's one from Star Gladiator,aFighting game by Capcom

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Despite her deep disdain toward terrorists and BOWs,Jill shows to have a kind of compassion for Norman who was used and betrayed by Lansdale and left him slowly dying in Queen Dido

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Jill's last appearance from RE games is (2012) {excluding RE3remake} while her last timeline appearance is (2009)

Jill must be return next year for RE 25th anniversary,she's the only one who misses from classic cast!

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Patricia Ja Lee,Jill's voice in and had dubbed her in too since she did in the pilot trailer but she was replaced by Michelle Ruff.
Ja Lee returned as Jill's voice in on 2019.

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Barry's a close friend of Chris and Jill since before STARS times:his email to Chris available in shows how much Barry cares of them.
He writes about Kijuju and he advices to them to take some rest

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The BSAA item called Genesis in supposed to be special glasses which Jill should have wore.
Genesis appears also in cross over game Teppen as one of Jill's special skill

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