How did you feel about Jamie's assessment that what BJR did was an act of love?

0 10

Ever had to listen to a "confession" from someone that you really didn't want to hear?

0 13

Jamie called himself a coward for what happened in Wentworth. Do you agree with his assessment?

2 17

Ever had to care for someone suffering from PTSD?

1 12

What's your favorite hour of the day and why?

0 9

If you were going to choose an hour to do your turn at Perpetual Adoration, which hour would it be?

0 1

What does intimacy mean to you?

0 3

Ever had a nightmare so real, you woke up screaming? (or laughing, or talking?)

0 7

Were you surprised by Claire's ruthlessness in killing the young soldier?

0 5

Was anyone else irritated by how many times Claire kept asking Jamie how he felt? What did she expect him to say, that he was fine?

0 9

Would you have killed the young soldier under the same circumstances?

1 10

In what ways do you feel you're most often underestimated because of your gender?

0 5

Was Jamie right about each of us having our own little fortress?

1 10

Do you think adding the (darkly) humorous parts of this chapter would have worked on screen, if they had included them?

0 7

Given the changes in the show, how was Jamie's story altered re: taking the laudanum at the abbey, vs refusing it on MacRannoch's floor?

1 4

Do you think Jamie really did feel "lucky" in that moment for having survived his ordeal?

0 5

Were you surprised that in the midst of everything, Rupert found time to lift some cattle?

0 8

If you'd been in MacRannoch's place, would you have decided to help Claire - risking everything you own and your own family?

1 9

Were you surprised to find out that Murtaugh had been in love with Ellen?

0 11