Joevember Day 16

This 2.5x3.5 Snake-Eyes sketch card is now up for grabs on Instagram.

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Joevember Day 14

This 2.5x3.5 Alley Viper sketch card is now up for grabs on Instagram.

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Joevember Day 8

This 2.5x3.5 Cross Country sketch card is now up for grabs on Instagram.

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As if today's G.I.Joe reveals weren't enough, IDW Publishing's G.I.Joe solicitations for 2022 are in hand!

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Gung Ho…the G. I. Joe I always assumed was an understudy for the Village People.

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Old-school Snake Eyes. He never said anything, but he understood knowing was half the battle.

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Joevember Day 28
Cobra Week Day 7: Tomax and Xamot

The twins were the ultimate chase figures for me growing up. Never got em. A friend had them but that’s as close as I got.

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“I hear you, and when I see you, you better be hungry.”

Happy Thanksgiving!

Joevember Day 26


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Joevember Day 17: Scarlett

I was always more of a Lady Jaye fan but there’s no denying Scarlett’s lasting legacy on the GI JOE franchise. Since the early 80s the Counter Intelligence expert has been ever present in all its forms.

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Joevember Day 16: Chuckles

Everyone’s favorite Undercover Specialist takes us through the halfway point of the month.

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Joevember Day 13: Lifeline

Because no one demanded it... Lifeline.
I’ve got nothing against Lifeline. Every team needs a good medic and he served my Joe team well for hundreds of imaginary battles.

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