Never forget 🤌🇮🇹 (January2022)

2199 19975


1746 19966


1500 12438

punyaku mungkin kayak gini, ini dari awal awal buat akun ig sampe sekarang baru pindah ke Twitter wkwk !!

7January2020 14January2022

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Day 21 - Space Insect

This is actually going to be a two-part piece; I wanted to post my finished first part of the model today :)
I'm almost done! The last one to do is the organic weapon.

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Day 28 - Mythological

a particular sword in an obsidian stone ;)

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I really popped off this month, the art was very good.

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Day 29 of
Theme: face
Based on a work by the artist Johnson Tsang

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Day 28 of
Theme: mythological
Sculpt from the 1638 painting "Saturn Devouring His Son" by the Flemish artist Peter Paul Rubens.
Painting >

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Day 27 - Ripped Apart

Just a tattered cloth. I still haven't quite figured out how to tear things in Blender without using physics. I kind of wanted to avoid it...

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