I finished the commissions!!

And with the money I have saved enough to buy a new smartphone (which arrived this Friday)

Now I can't stop taking selfies> <

Yesterday I took this one at the office.

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I often wonder what's going through Rinoa's head when the orphanage gang reminisce about their childhoods in Trabia Garden. Does she feel left out? Does she feel pity for them not remembering?

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I will be closing my Kofi cms for a month on the 18th of June <3

(Old rinoa Sketch that i made in an art stream

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Painting Cloud made me want to paint an FFVIII piece so here's Rinoa~ still like her alt with the plaid skirt in Dissidia NT the best tho~

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are my favorite of the series amongst other things it's my first ff game i ever played (besides FF9 & 7 of course 🙈) and i still loving it 😭💖

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Well, I had fun.
It was a good practice.
This year Rinoa is singing "Eyes on me" for Squall, in their private concert.
Squall : (>///<)

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I was part of a Secret Santa for Squinoa! I draw this KH Squinoa reunion for since we're both hopelessly praying these two will get to kiss in KH....

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So... I tried to Draw Rinoa Heartilly From Final Fantasy VIII (Dissidia NT ver). It's pretty Fun XD and its turn out to be Good Experience.

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It rook me 4 years to be happy with how I do Rinoa 😂
Never liked her bob in the Dion Rogers design though so we ignored that.
📷: michaelliaophotographer (IG)
Ezf_photography (IG)

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