fan art for episode 112~! The party taking the leap of faith with the guardian, Tiri'thul (as played by the DM, )'s watchful gaze over them~!
Daenir, the Tabaxi Wizard is played by , Nara, the Drow Sorcerer, , 1/2

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fan art for episode 110~! Congratulations to the proud parents B)

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Thanks to the Last session of I got inspired to recreate the Wolfgang family peace I did over a year ago. This was a great opportunity for me to show my growth as an artist and gave me the chance to make it more accurate to how the characters were described.

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Been awhile since I’ve drawn fanart for this series lol, but it was pretty fun drawing y’all’s characters again. Hopefully I’ll be able to doodle Nara and Wolfgang next

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Well it has been A LONG TIME but "Role with Meeps" makes its return!!!
This time with Ramses Palto, Venarial and Hacklass (Asmo's best friend 😄)

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Did some fan art from the most recent SPOILERS:

Holy crap, poor Miguel. 15 years?! And that's just his estimate?! This guy's been through way too much. Get him a kitkat 8(

Miguel Connolly is played by the DM,

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Fan art for based on Daenir's comparison of Ramses and he as the Shield and Sword respectively. Had fun trying to interpret Ramses' staff and enjoyed trying to pull off Daenir's Staff Of Adornment, based on it's description owo7 Daenir's played by

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And we finish off with Nara, holy crap this was so fun to do, darkness effects came out fucking great. Versions with highlights and without. Hand cramps were worth it!

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Wolfgang Connelly saying to the Winter Lady in celestial "Is this a high enough language for you, lady of winter?"

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Chimpy Power! sorry for the bad crop photos still don't understand how to fix better preview.

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Currently catching up with the series (on epi 98 rn) and I thought I might as well doodle along with the episode as I watch it

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Well this is it, also sad that I finally caught up to episode 100. But I have so much to look forward to this new year. Thank you once again for one of the most enjoyable dnd campaigns I have ever listen to. <3

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Some fan art for : D Daenir, played by and his Bomber Jacket Of Warming * w * Wanted to draw it for a bit, but was hella busy for a good while (CURSE YOU RL STUFF!!!)

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