The Foolproof campaign may have ended but that ain't stopping me from drawing new stuff inspired from it. Also, one last throwback to the good ol Natural Oneders.

10 75

Thanks so much to for showing my previous fanart! I am hoping to do a TON of these! For now here’s everyone’s favorite officers on the scene!

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A little bit of fan art based on fun NPC Brother Killroy. I do need to finish watching the Vod but I have enjoyed what I heard so far.

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We all need a little glamour and magic in our lives! (Big thanks to for making this series happen, LOVE the whole cartoon aesthetic with this campaign!)

18 91

Time for some throwback to the good ol' Natural Oneders because I randomly imagined Nedra dressing up as the late Captain Ezra and Captain Nedra sounds neat.

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Today's offerings of mine has me finally making my own take on this meme.

Kyle's too much of a good boy to really say anything.

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loving TFS At the Table Foolproof and got inspired to try out the rubber hose style so drew Blugen in it with some alts

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Had this idea since last week and thank goodness for cartoon logic for letting me get away with unusually longer arms.

9 97

Bitesized is the best character from and it's totally because of my bias.

61 464

Brother Killroy from
Because he is cute yet terrifying

80 335

I got this reply only a few minutes AFTER I got the idea for the comic but I want to make sure of the context of which I want to immortalize via this comic

11 69

Going back to using the tag just so people can check my stuff in the future.

Anyways, today's TFS At The Table offerings has given me plenty of ideas but I wanna take things nice and slow. Loving the cast so far!

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I finished up some old Calliope drawings that were sitting in my GIANT folder of unfinished art.

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With the original campaign over I needed a new drive to continue luckily I found it with (Lani's campaign) so with that said here's my take on Wolfgang there's more to come and it's good to be back

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Bonus: "In the name of the moon, I'mma punch you!"

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