I made a very sloppy comic just cause wanted to draw my popos bean throwing since it was Setsubun. That's all.

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本日は節分です。#ディスクリーチャーズ に登場する鬼はちょっと怪しいクリーチャー、オルグオです。恐らく豆は食べます。
This is Ogruh, a creature from . Today in Japan, we have an event called Setsubun. This is an event where people throw beans to drive away the ogre.

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Today is Bean Throwing Festival, the celebrate Japanese is favorite holiday. and are ready throwing bean at Bella as demon. Don't worry. It's just having fun. Also today is with Pinky. Let's enjoy for good time. c:

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Today is a holiday in Japan called Setsubun.

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Hoy es 2 de febrero y en Japón es Día del Setsubun. Esta fecha indica el inicio de la primavera y con ella, se ahuyenta la mala suerte. Seguro que conocéis cómo se celebra aunque este año no habrá eventos públicos. Como curiosidad, es la primera vez en 124 años que cae en día 2.

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Good morning! Today's “Onsen Nyanko” is “Nyanko to throw beans”!
Monday. It is Setsubun. I wish you the lucky ☆ of Nyanko today! Please enjoy it.

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Good morning! Today's "Onsen Nyanko" is the "Nyanko who throws beans"!
On Sunday. Today is Setsubun. I wish for Nyanko’s lucky today too. Then please enjoy.


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Hello! Today's "Onsen Nyanko" is the "Nyanko who throws beans"!
On Saturday. It is Setsubun. I wish Nyanko 's lucky today. Then please enjoy.


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Have a great time Setsubun. Your Oni 1/ Oni 2 - so cute! I like these guys too...

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