
Minor changes in the creatures also exist, but their movements are not the same.

This is , a game in production!

15 40

🌞Steam Summer Sale🏖️

Disc Creatures Sale on Steam! This is an RPG in which you adventure with creatures.

11 34


Today, there is a custom in Japan called "Tsukimi". Tsukimi is the custom of people viewing the full moon.

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[Progress]There is also a side-view map in this game.

9 61

🌞Steam Summer Sale🏖️

Disc Creatures Sale on Steam! (50% off!!) We are currently working on a new title.

18 30

本日は節分です。#ディスクリーチャーズ に登場する鬼はちょっと怪しいクリーチャー、オルグオです。恐らく豆は食べます。
This is Ogruh, a creature from . Today in Japan, we have an event called Setsubun. This is an event where people throw beans to drive away the ogre.

6 22


I wrote about what I want to improve in Disc Creatures WORLD. English is written when you scroll down. Sorry if my English is terrible :0

【WORLDの創造の想像】 https://t.co/JItjNlnH3n

7 27

🎃Happy Halloween🦇

Disc Creatures Sale on Steam! (50% off!!)

21 45

In Japan, it is customary to see the full moon in autumn.
Drachling makes a wish on the moon. "I want to be a cool dragon!"

5 22

HumbleでDisc Creaturesのセールが始まりました。9/10まで30%offです。かき氷が食べたい。毎日暑いです。
Disc Creatures Sale on Humble!(30% off)

9 16

二か月ほど前から、ディスクリーチャーズWORLDのグラフィックに手を加えていました。 こういったことは気にするとキリがないので、もうしません。(デジャヴ)

I was modifying the graphics in Disc Creatures WORLD for about 2 months.

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my disc creatures team so far

29 189

Another fan art of Disc Creatures, protag and Tomatee!

11 14

A fan art of Disc Creatures, I'm really liking this game!

5 15

now THAT'S what I call baby

20 169

Disc Creatures is extremely cute so far

54 322

wanted to draw my team! thanks for letting us experience your game satto-san

12 35