Afeto, a HQ que vai te afetar!
Conheça a história de Maria que, após chegar em uma escola nova, enfrenta micro agressões de gênero/sexismo. Minha primeira Graphic novel desenhada com o roteiro da Natália Sierpinski ❤️

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Now that Twitter's in the Melon Husk era, I want to say:

* Free Speech (FS) is not free if it stops other people's FS.

* FS is not an excuse to mistreat others.

* Treating people right is not political.

* negative "isms" are not FS (racism, sexism etc)

Think before you post.

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"But Bianca! Starfire gets her powers from the sun!! She needs to expose her skin, it’s not sexism!!!"
You are absolutely right! It just funny how this "fact" only comes up when designing her and not other solar powered heroes, but I guess they are so indie people forget about it

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besides prsk, witch hat atelier is probably one of my biggest special interests. it’s definitely one of my favourite manga of all time. it has the coolest magic system and beautiful art (IM NOT BIASED.) and it tackles themes like systemic ableism/classism/sexism amazingly +

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Fier de vous présenter un super travail que j'ai fait : Tous les garçons et les filles ! Un projet toulousain transversal pour parler du sexisme, du genre, des inégalités, mais aussi de tout ce qui nous relie, nous réunit entre filles, garçons et autres genres...

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Painting Naked Women in the Nude Millennium:

The traditional motive of the female nude has faced backlash and accusations of sexism within the last two decades. How are nudes portrayed today?

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Have you heard of the project yet? No? Well, listen up!

DTRH (standing for Did This Really Happen!??!) is a project that exists to highlight everyday sexism in science through comics based on REAL testimonies

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Even Idelians have to deal with blatant workplace sexism.

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"It's not truthful"


It literally happened to her. Just because you don't like that sexism is real doesn't mean her experiences are less real.

You know what's not truthful? Trying to spin a narrative that erases sexism from marginalized people's experiences.

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Leo will put an end to this blatant sexism against boys in mahou shoujo

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Born into privilege today in 1866, Beatrix Potter pursued botanical illustration and took a particular interest in the spore reproduction. Her mycological drawings are held & , and the has issued a posthumous apology for sexism toward her.

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A determined feminist overcomes stone walls, silence, sexism and sniper attacks to bring justice.

find out more ->

pls RT

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Not only does the reprint completely alter their dynamic, but it also drags Jean's down. It has her fall into the Good Girl Oddly Attracted To The Dangerous Bad Boy trope, and all the sexism tied to it.

(Scott, this just sounds like you want to fuck Logan yourself.)/6

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With her art style and aesthetics, I would assume that she’s a female? Not say guys can’t have cutesy/pastel vibes and stuff, but like?

And what the hell does being a girl have to do with anything? Sexism and bigotry at its finest. This guy’s stupid af. Maidenless behavior. Smfh

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„„Layla“ – Sexismus oder Kunstfreiheit:
Justizminister Buschmann (FDP) findet Verbot „eins zu viel““

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Blue Flag

It had a sweet main trio and the content centered around them was a bit adorable. Also had some neat commentary in regards to heteronormativity/sexism, but that one atrocious chapter attempting to ''both sides'' homophobia was a permanent stain to the series.


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