Shirahoshi Megalo Jinbe

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One Piece tem momentos como:
- Raizou em Zou
- Os poderes do Gear 5
- Kuma: salva o bando, protege o Sunny e é revelado um revolucionário
- Sabo 🤧
- Shirahoshi é Poseidon

Não cabe no tweet, mas tem muito mais. Não dá pra falar "você sabe o que esperar" pra One Piece.

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just finished some shirahoshi fanart
whatever u do, do NOT flip the image or else itll look horrible😭

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Shirahoshi and Miku collab when

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Shirahoshi is going to the Soup Store

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Drawing I did on September 20, 2020.
Still one of my favorites by far.

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oh i have the perfect one for u. GIANT. MERMAID. PRINCESS. SHIRAHOSHI.

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In 25 years (10 until the birth, 15 to grow) someone will surpass Roger - the panels make it seem like this will be Shirahoshi but it could easily be Luffy too

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There's an interesting theory about Nami and the mermaids
Her similarities with Shirahoshi and how she felt like they know each other since ever
Also the parallels between Tiger/Otohime and Luffy/Nami in FMI as responses to the themes in FMI

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Done for this years mearmay. I’m sure they would be friends. 💕

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(@ mrShirahoshi46 )

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I rarely do fanarts, but I really enjoyed the bowsette and boosette hype back then! Also, last year I choose Shirahoshi from OnePiece for mermay because I really love her design <3

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I want to draw some characters, so the first one is she's too cute!

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a lot of y'all are built like Shirahoshi the way y'all never go outside

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Mugiwara Princesses 👑 Vivi, Rebecca, & Shirahoshi

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DAY 112:
Gol D. Roger kills Shirahoshi
-65 characters left-

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