Good evening lovelies, hope you all are having a fabulous weekend. Happy and Indulge in your passions before the dreaded Monday hits. Take care and be well. Much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: TatarskiSkandal DeviantArt
Artist: ArtofTy DeviantArt

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Drink from me and swim forever. "Bishop" by Joseph Noël.

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Watching you watch me. 😱 "Sunday Evening" by Anton Semenov.

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Trapped in a of revolution - enlightenment alludes us!

stairway reappears as we bravely go where no one has gone before. In flagrante delicto we were forged in glorious ignorance we will flourish.

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A flutist on the howling wind sought you upon a tenebrous descension. It was an enchanted night and you left your blanket fort—the safe zone—for a warm mausoleum. Foolish souls hear. Listen. 365

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Like any other demon, it is quasi-charismatic—advancing the gentlest of kind souls with grace's veil to make them commit the worst sins until their skulls turn grey from dust. Be a storm. Destroy its title. 355

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