Bargaining for his life,
Blasphemy against the coven,
She consulted the ancient book of shadows.
It said to cut out his bastard tongue so he may never again taste the crumbs of human kindness.

6 16

"#Astounding," the dragon said as the druid rose from the dirt for the umpteenth time that "Tell me, wizard, why does she persist? She doesn't even out."

Taeben looked at Gin as the of his heart became final - and shrugged.

1 10

with my
the wind,
blown by the

waves of
still your
heart is
a saner
for my
of victory
for your
love was
my elite

9 70

The committee glances, looking like they were potential within it.
“That could
“It has a nice to it too.”
“Kids fighting a horror in their school. If we framed it as horror-fantasy. Alright-

2 6

Appetent closeness
Drinking in lemongrass scent
Lining windswept hair

21 75


or sorcery—It cloaks
its face around illusions
and lies where the sun
doesn't shine. And its
luster lacks the inevitable
that (s) away at forsaken
and souls.


0 5

settled on the castle, the first we'd seen in our dark trek.

Voices came from inside - we grew closer, notions of filling our minds. The door opened, and a girl beckoned, eyes aglow.

"Time to

3 38

Sage Advice©️

Momma used to say never be too
to judge a book by its cover.
She’d say, read its contents in
and choose wisely like a fine
scarf—its weave is light & transparent.


1 10

Bop fusion trumpet muted
Scratched out in harmony
of human tones
baby cries cut through any din

Our eyes circle cicada
tunes,blown throughly to bleed
Odins bookmarked poetry

Norse angels heavenly dance
in gyrate corrupt motions

2 30

With a command spoken no louder than a a word that slipped into her mind after tingling up the back of her neck, Ellie was no longer in control. She was a puppet, a - headed on a collision course for that wood elf and her Qatu, without escape.

2 18

"Do you expect an apology... to give you a mea culpa for everything we've done? You're mad, GINNY," he said, punctuating the nickname. "Nothing of who you are would have happened without me. I am the that created the Nature..."

"Enough, wizard."

2 33

Me. Myself. And I.©️

Quick as a lick, he snuck
a passionate kiss and
smudged my lipstick.
And memories of my
greatest is
when ego meets discernment.
There, I reside in my space,
the perfect to evolve.🦋


2 23

In the darkness of night
A scent of dreams takes flight
Luminous and bright
Guiding me towards the light.

On the edge of despair
I find my sanctuary there
In this space of devotion
I feel my heart's emotion.


19 45

Hearts a dove of sense
unaware even outraged

Our bilateral ignorance
In secret recessive kisses

Galaxies of dancing pixels
to their own alias prisons

Morning winter walks in bare feet
In fighting,trade offs,They’re such tools

6 46

Summoning her druidic power, she stared down her enemy and cast the spell. Unfortunately, she'd gotten the wrong and ended up in a

The enemy laughed. She lowered her antlers. "Bring it," she said in her sweet bunny voice, wings spread.

6 35


It's a love between Mother
& child. A mother has a personal relationship with all her children—six
to raise & one in heaven, making her
destiny quite the journey. And to be sure, no dares to compare.✍️🏽#bravewrite

0 7

“To sacrifice a virgin girl every full red moon? No."
“But the bloodmoon rises only once every year—"
“I'm is that supposed to make me feel better? But...I may consider it if you volunteer your daughter, counselor.”

3 12

As our eyes met & time stopped,
Your gaze held mine with piercing dark stare,
I knew that our souls have Entwined,
Eternally yours I've become,
Cocooned and Wrapped in your love,
Where eternity disappears.

1 4

Death's stench fouls Mother's
earthy scent as banshee screams
at our mens rea

13 88

We have a of wonderful writers! Keep writing. Keep dreaming.
Keep inspiring us! Thank you all!

6 43