tip: As combat progresses, it’s possible for both sides to be on the brink of victory at the same time. (Alternatively, think of each opponent being at the point of giving up the fight.)

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tip: There are 6 adjectives for the skills of clan leaders, but within a category, leaders slowly improve over time.

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tip: Although nothing is certain, you have many ways of influencing the odds. The context of a decision can suggest an easier choice. Larger gifts or sacrifices improve your chances. Better-skilled circle members succeed more often. Their religion is sometimes a factor.

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Meet the team: an interview with writer/designer Robin D. Laws https://t.co/HLLJQxSo5l

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Meet the team: an interview with art lead Jan Pospíšil https://t.co/wo7TgbvRaM

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Meet the team: an interview with QA Lead Liana Kerr https://t.co/dLv8dafU22

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Six Ages: Ride Like The Wind, the spiritual successor to cult hit King of Dragon Pass, is now available for pre-order in the iOS App Store. See https://t.co/xLd2EwKH1N for more about the game.

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development blog has a status update. (Not done, but moving ahead…) https://t.co/8a4JeakqCK

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