“Do you plan to query or self-pub any works this year?”

Yes. Eyes on the Road (coauthored with ) is on the final proofread stretch!🎉
The Chronicles of Henny Volume 5 may be late.😬
Hoping to polish one more novel as well.

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D29 - Who would your MC choose to quarantine with?

❇️She would quarantine with her grandmother to continue learning as much as she can.

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“Who is your MC’s best friend?”

Eyes on the Road:
Morgan’s living best friend is Mel but they’re on the outs right now. 😬

Soul Connections:
Jamy’s best friend is Harry. They go waaaaay back.

The Chronicles of Henny:
Henny + Poopers

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Thursday - Weekly progress!

💻 Eyes on the Road beta revisions are done!✅
✍️ Started to draw a Henny 😬
📚 Sold books✅

🎂Had a SUPER birthday!🎉✅

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D20 - WIP Wish List! Are there any stories floating around in your head that you haven't been able to write yet?

1. A historical fiction story set in the Victorian era.
2. A Sci-Fi/Spy story set in the 22nd century.
3. Fantasy story with a goblin MC https://t.co/KQhBK9Jnaj

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D24 - Check- in
Epic Fantasy:
✅finish query and synopsis
🔁final review of first ten pages
YA Fantasy:
🔁cont. edits of Part I
🔁Revisit my blog and make updates.
❌Exercise - walk and strength
Its an endurance run, folks...
Artist: S Sarrailh

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Day 31
Monday - Goals for the week!

I’m still waiting for Beneath the Snow to come back from my editor and the first draft of The Price of Humanity is marinating, so...
- Outline And the Librarian.
- Draw Henny.
- Read.
- Sell.
- Unplug!

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“Your MC got $100K. What are they doing with it?”

The Chronicles of Henny:

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Monday - Goals for the week!

- Finish first round of onscreen edits for The Price of Humanity.
- Scrub Henny pixels.
- Read books.
- Sell books.
- Self-care: Take time to smell the proverbial roses. Also 🍸.

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Upcoming Releases?

Soul of the Crow by I’m super excited about that one. I mean just LOOK at this cover.

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D26 - MC Habitat

The MC of my current WIP lives in the jungle, eking out a living in the shadows of stone ruins.

art credits: J Grimmer, A Gurin

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“Share an aesthetic of where your MCs live.”

The Chronicles of Henny.

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“Prologues: yes or no?”

Sure, so long as they’re short and pertinent.😂

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What weather is best for writing?
RAINY DAYS are my absolute favorite days. That’s PROBABLY because I live in a desert… but whatever. I’m most productive on rainy days when I work by a window.

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In April I'm looking forward to new projects for writing and work, and tulips.

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weekend: my aesthetic includes penguins, magic, stuffed animals, reading, the sound of rain, and the scent of lavender.

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Day 27

For Control it's more this image that strikes me most. For Hemostatsis, it's more just...hrmmm a bit like this


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Thursday Check - in!
✔️ Beneath the Snow has been marinating, & is ready for revisions.😅
✔️ The Soul Must Go On is out to betas!
✔️ The final pages of The Chronicles of Henny V4 are scanned!
❎ Notta sale.😳
✔️Self-care: Stayed in.

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Setting and world build aesthetic.

Rewrites or not, I think we can stick with something like this for Beneath the Snow. 😂😬

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