My ideal good person?
Oofff no one is perfect (says the irrational perfectionist) but someone who treats everyone else with kindness would be a good start.

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Sarah’s favorite part of the summer is less credit hours at school. Plus, the summer often brings afternoon or nighttime rain, which she loves!

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Goals for the week…
I do the exact same thing every week and I’m so tired of it and I can’t bring myself to list the SAME OLD SAME OLD “goals.”
Maybe I’ll get my plot ready. 😬

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Accountability day!
✅ I did the reading & the writing.
😂 I don’t think I “get” dieting. I kinda halved what I eat.. but when I weighed myself, it was the exact same number. Then I shook the scale & I gained 4 pounds. 😂

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Day 28:
Despite looking and feeling like Slurms Mackenzie, I almost finished my school assignment and have eaten relatively healthy

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🖊Write 4K words
📚Finish the book I’m reading
👩‍💻Edit 7 chapters
🏫Successful first day of school for kids

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I am having a shitty summer.
I hereby give myself permission to have zero goals for the week.

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Monday - Goals for the week!

💻 Soul Connections edits.
💻 Must finish page 44 of The Chronicles of Henny Volume 5. 😬
Tee hee. Too big to fit into a Tweet. 🙃 Let’s just say I’m working on it.

Happy Monday to all! Stay 😎

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We're starting a new week AND a new month tomorrow - yay!

Here are your questions for the first week of June. Anyone who wants to play is welcome to jump in anytime - any writer, any genre. The only rules are respect and interaction.

See ya at the campfire!

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“Show us your MC’s favorite place in the world.”

Henny doesn’t really care where he is so long as there is beer.

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D15/16: Superhero?

Wolverine. The answer is always Wolverine.

(Nightcrawler a close second, esp. as drawn by Nick Robles.)

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D15/16 - There are no superheroes in the Core Lands but a lot of my characters think of the barbarians siblings as their hero's.

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D7 - For The Weather Regulators I've chosen 2

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“Show us your setting!”

The Chronicles of Henny Volume 5:
Welcome to Hennyville. 🤷‍♀️😂

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The Road Home (coauthored with ) is at 48K!

Soul Connections revisions are coming along crappily! 😃✂️✂️✂️

The Chronicles of Henny Volume 5 is about half finished.👇🏻

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D23 - What's easier for you, dialogue or description?

✳️I think they both come pretty naturally for me, but I get a lot of compliments on my world building and descriptions.

Artist: Winterkeep

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D10 - What book characters would you MC get along with?

❇️Merida and ❇️Elizabeth Bennet

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D27 - How did you do this month? What helped & what didn't?

❇️I rediscovered my mojo. I found that by immersing myself into my character(s) I saw & experienced things through their eyes and the creativity began to flow again. 😃

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“What season is it in your WIP? Does weather impact your characters?”

It’s summertime right now in all my active WIPs. Weather doesn’t play a huge part in the stories, but I sure as hell am enjoying living vicariously through them. 😂

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