sl2 Snowfairy ハードクリア+AA! これはいい譜面だわ、楽しい! Lennonさんのは地力系だけど練習になるからいいね~

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Ana-Maria (snowfairy86 on instagram)

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Been a while since I've done anime/chibi's in general! For 's contest!

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BGM 初代OPのsnowfairyかと思ってたらメインBGMだった

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Name: SnowFairyTale
Illustrated by: へちま
Skill: Everyone’s Woven Story - Increases the Signing Power of all cards set on turn activated and deals random damage to a single enemy based on the card’s Signing Power.

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Finished it! :,D Saga Bergman, Kanon, and Sugar from out playing in the fall leaves. ❤️ Been playing around with colors a lot lately. I really love how this turned out. Took a pretty short time to color, too!

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