Mazah region Spinarak fakemon WIP!!

this pokemon is based on the doll island located in Mexico that's infested with spiders 😊💞

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AI art will never be able to compare to my Spinner x Shigaraki fanart, which is overall better by default

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I decided to Doodle Spinarak today! Bit of a throwback to the one I did 3 years ago! I was beginning my digital art journey!

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Here come the web boi! Do you think there's a frown on his abdomen because him poison?

167/905+ Spinarak

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167 - Spinarak
Type: Bug / Poison

Abilities: Swarm, Insomnia, Sniper

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Это хорни и софт отношения, которые противостоят друг другу бесконечно😄
Даже мне сложно выбрать, какой из этих двух шиппов лучше🤔🥴
(Главное, что Шигараки выберет из всего только видеоигры! Они на 1 месте, апхах )

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167 - Spinarak
Type: Bug / Poison

Abilities: Swarm, Insomnia, Sniper

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Apparently it's just the same "body face" trait Spinarak had, only less pronounced. I honestly kinda think the beta design did a better job at making it still seem apparent, even if it was otherwise a lot more rudimentary-looking

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Based on the gold/silver og. spinarak sprite!
Interactions appriciated!

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This Spinarak is very energetic and he wants to evolve as soon as possible so he can protect you properly!! + Net ball

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accidentally discovered a random trainer out of bounds in the abundant shrine area in pokemon black, he has a team of 5 that consists of lvl 61 caterpie lvl 61 pineco lvl scolipede lvl 61 spinarak lvl 61 masquerain. no idea why this guy is here. he also walks in place??

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167 - Spinarak
Type: Bug / Poison

Abilities: Swarm, Insomnia, Sniper

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Unpopular opinion: Spinarak is fucking adorable! Litol guy

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All Pokémon sit.

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Oh this was a cute idea, I vaguely remember this. I drew a bunch of spinaraks as real spiders lol.

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Когда долго спорили, но ни к чему не пришли, поэтому теперь приходится выигрывать свою правоту в игре🎮

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Та самая пара со всеми видами драмы, за которой приятно наблюдать😌💕

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167 - Spinarak
Type: Bug / Poison

Abilities: Swarm, Insomnia, Sniper

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