The world is already accustomed to the fact that there is a war going on in 🇺🇦 this is probably already normal for many,nothing special, as they say…

You see only photos from the Internet

0 8

Changing my mind I drew a picture like this today.

1 16

Practice every day. I can be nothing when I'm painting

3 43

“What’s the matter with peace?...Flowers are better than bullets!” (с) Allison Krause 1970

This question is still current

0 0

I want to draw a woman beautifully. I still have to improve my skills.

0 25

I'm working on a suitable translation of this poem, so here is a little description.

The poem starts with a message by russian about them wanting Venti. Usually they could donate easily, but now (sanctions), they can't even afford food for themselves.

3 7

Is she beautiful, isn’t she?

2 25

Peace Prayer
Created by LAartistPlanas
A moment of silence for the people who are suffering in Ukraine

0 0

Peace Prayer
By: LAartistPlanas
A simple act of faith

0 0

He seems to have three elements as a commander, vision, mission, and especially passion.

1 12

1/4 Присвячується сім'ям, що загинули під час російсько-української війни. Писала його ще місяць тому, але останні рядки та невеличкі ілюстрації змогла зробити лише зараз...

35 104

Ми ніколи не станемо і не були братами. Лише сусідами, один з яких палає імперіалістичними амбіціями.

3 48

I feel it difficult to draw the face which is not vertical but slanted.

1 23

Don't stay aside, become a savior of precious life, and get an epic NFT!

1 5

Все мы сейчас живём в темноте. А за забитыми от бомбежек окнами неотвратимо наступает весна...Мне сейчас не дают мира - значит, я его нарисую. У меня отбирают весну - не выйдет. Весна все равно прийдёт, а мы победим.

3 15

You can't both sell and not sell in russia at the same time,
You stopped deliveries to russia, huh? So whose products are sold at russian multibrand stores with your logo on them?

17 30

Ukraine will never forget our Heroes💙💛
Check out the meaning of red poppy symbol on my Deviantart

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