kang sunhee being the funniest character of seasons of blossom 🤧

sunhee (about woojin): whats that guy?
somang: idk either

sunhee when subin appeared: huh? a face ive seen a lot somehwere...
subin: ...kang sunhee wyd here?
sunhee: youre really kang subin?! why are you here?!

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woojin sunbae finally had his very first meeting with somang!

woojin is on the phone with subin and somang is on the phone with gaeul so ft. subin x gaeul crumb🤧

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jaemin & subin have gotten close but jaemin still hasnt realized that subin was sunhee's brother and subin also hasnt realized that hes her friend sjdjdj😭

jaemin: ive felt this since we first met but havent we meet somewhere before?
subin: oh, you too?!

(ft. woojin sunbae)

2 31

while them on the background...😂

subin asked somang about her friend who also got bullied and she said that yes shes gaeul's friend and she knows him, cause its kang subin. just jaemin being amazed looking at them cause they know eo.

subin: "what a small world"😃

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this is actually the first time somang and subin met properly. subin cried after dongchae met his parents so somang said, "you cry a lot, as i heard" & then subin found out that shes gaeul's friend. somang introduced herself and told subin that gaeul is really curious about him!

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the trauma and regret they felt when they are unable to protect their important person in the past haunts them the moment they didnt manage to reach out for dongchae. subin eyes looked so afraid, while jaemin rushed over to catch dongchae😭

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subin talked about gaeul and what she went through in the past and how she's doing well rn.

subin: shes the bravest, the wisest and the most radiant person i know (...) once you endure it all, you'll also shine like her.

the note from school nurse: never hold it in!

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tw suicide attempt

subin couldnt grab dongchae's hand but fortunately theres jaemin🥹 subin then grabbed jaemin whos also about to fall while holding dongchae's arm.

these scenes almost gave me a heart attack not gonna lie

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채소시러인간의 김밥먹빵

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"P.S. To the people who knows eunchae pls protect my sister, i cant make it till the end."

jaemin and subin made it to save dongchae before he jumped into that building.😭😭

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tw suicide attempt

somang called 119 and reassured eunchae, meanwhile subin helped jaemin to stop dongchae from jumping off the rooftop.

thank god they got to save him🥹

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the parallel between hamin's flower, gaeul's flower, and dongchae's flower.

dongchae who wanted to hold hamin's hand during that rainy day. jaemin and subin who wanted to save dongchae, as much as they wanted to save (but they couldnt) their beloved ones in the past

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tw suicide attempt

when subin and jaemin are going to save dongchae, they got reminded of gaeul and hamin respectively.

the parallel between dongchae with hamin's and gaeul's cases 🥹

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Sketchzin feito na live de ontem <3 a gravação tá subindo!

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새해 복 많이 받으세욤~🫶

수빈이 새뱃돈은 저에게 주시면 됩니다
제가 수빈이 크면 모아서 줄게요

46 123

idk how it will turns out in twitter but here i got jung subin. i tried hard :')

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