i need to post some art so uh- baby seungsikie from the dear. sik project

8 15

탐라 컨텐츠 추천
숩깅이 옷입히기
인용으로 자랑 부탁🙏

15 64

Haven't forgotten to do this! It was really fun to try coloring with a different lineart!

5 11

Got this inspiration after watching Chronicle in Japan 💙💛

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💖그냥, 승식💖

그냥이 뭐야~? 아주 대단하단 뜻이지.ᐟ

103 203

I present you all a gift :> Toniiminii wallpapers where you can put pics of your choice in the heart !!

Ggdrive link to download: https://t.co/EeuN7mqr9M

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