Sam Phelps and Miss Glyn in a production of "Antony and Cleopatra" in 1849

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Here is Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean in a production of "Much Ado About Nothing" at the Princess Theatre, March 18, 1859

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Working on an illustration of Anna Cora Mowatt for Monday's blog.

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William Charles Macready as Virginius. A U.S. production of this play proved to be a big hit for Anna Cora Mowatt. She described it in her novel "Mimic Life."

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Found this illustrated article on Alfred Bunn, manager of the and nemesis of William Macready. In 1850, he gave a series of lectures on his experiences in the theatre that "wisely avoided contemporary players."

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Finished and posted my video on the touched off by a conflict between friend and U.S. actor,

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This is not the official announcement yet, but here's where you can download "Autobiography of an Actress."

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In the chapter of autobiography I recorded for today, Mowatt relishes playing Parthenia who sweetly tames the barbarian Ingomar in a what some were calling a "woman rights" play in 1852.

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Have started work on audiobook of autobiography for . Now reading her description of an 1837 performance by the extraordinary

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The 1845 production of "Cricket on the Hearth" was also the debut of the Keely's daughter Mary.

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The production of "Cricket on the Hearth" described in the story "The Prompter's Daughter" by was probably based on this Dec. 1845 production at the (see the little baby in the back?)

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Here is a clearer version of the illustrations accompanying today's blog about tragedian

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A picture -- this is a Dick Whittington and his Cat at the in 1845.

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Looking for a picture for my blog to substitute for the burning of the in 1849, I actually found an article in the Illustrated News with THREE illustrations and a brief history of the theater! Fetch my fainting couch, darling! I may swoon!

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Here's my colorized and "prettified" version of the sketch from the Illustrated News.

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I'm working on pictures of Mowatt in all of her major roles. Here she is costumed as Gertrude in Act I of "Fashion."

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Colorization of another Mowatt portrait I'm looking for a high rez copy of. This one is Alfred Harral's 1848 portrait for Howitt's Journal issue 63, Vol. 3.

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