Still working on edits for novel "The Mute Singer" for . Hope to have it ready for download by the first of next week.

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Have started recording novel "The Mute Singer" for .

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This is not the official announcement yet, but here's where you can download "Autobiography of an Actress."

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In the chapter of autobiography I recorded for today, Mowatt relishes playing Parthenia who sweetly tames the barbarian Ingomar in a what some were calling a "woman rights" play in 1852.

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Have started work on audiobook of autobiography for . Now reading her description of an 1837 performance by the extraordinary

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The production of "Cricket on the Hearth" described in the story "The Prompter's Daughter" by was probably based on this Dec. 1845 production at the (see the little baby in the back?)

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My reading of novel "The Fortune Hunter" (1844) is now (finally) complete and ready for (free!!) download Huzzah!!

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Here's a clearer version of the illustration I used for this morning's blog on and the impact Swedenborgism had on her poetry and a link to a recording of my favorite of the poems referenced:

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Despite the fact that they were both in London at the same time, shared many interests and friends (as you can tell from the great pictures I find), I have zero / anecdotes to relate. Not sure why they never seemed to run into each other. 🤷

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Here's my colorized and "prettified" version of the sketch from the Illustrated News.

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I'm working on pictures of Mowatt in all of her major roles. Here she is costumed as Gertrude in Act I of "Fashion."

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Visualization of how Mowatt might have appeared in the role of Blanche in her 1849 play "Armand; or the Peer and the Peasant."

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This is the profile from the The Illustrated American Biography (vol. 3 (1855), p. 255) portrait remixed with hair from the Harral portrait.

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This portrait comes from Abner D. Jones, ed. The Illustrated American Biography, vol. 3 (1855), p. 255. I feel confident in my minor corrections to Mowatt’s brow and eyelids here because this portrait is based on the photo used for her 1854 autobiography.

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