On the Road

Somewhere between Johannesburg and Cape Town.

0.1 $ETH

Link in the comments:

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Clouds like waves over The Langdale Pikes Lake District by
One of yesterday's best of the rest!

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Loving watching the Commonwealth Games and doesn’t Birmingham look amazing! Here’s a fav shot from our last visit in 2018 - prob time for another visit! Taken from - some of the best views from a hotel ever!

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Jupiter and its moon Europa (left), seen through the 's NIRCam instrument.


infrared capabilities will be useful to study the “ocean worlds” of Europa and Saturn’s moon Enceladus,⬇️

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The best views come from the hardest climb

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Technology theme- Powered by wind over the Great Plains of the USA

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If a butterfly lands on you, don't shoo away it.
Since ancient times it is culturally considered as a symbol of the human soul, capable of renewing and transforming itself (myth of Cupid and Psyche).

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gm, good people! Have a wonderful day :)

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Did you know 4 Earths could fit inside Saturn's North Polar Hexagon?

Nobody is sure why would clouds form a hexagon on Saturn.
One hypothesis, by , is that the hexagon forms where there is a steep...


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This is a new view of the Pillars of Creation, capturing the multi-coloured glow of gas clouds with the Wide Field Camera 3, installed in 2009.

References and images:

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