NASA is already detailing plans for the JWST's successor. LUVOIR will have a 15m diameter mirror and UV to IR wavelength sensors, to produce high res images of our Outer Solar System or even make out details on exoplanets.
Here is the massive final report:

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JWST's latest images of Jupiter show the gas giant's rings, its moon Europa and the Great Red Spot.

Look closely and you can see a black spot to the left of the Great Red Spot. That's Europa's shadow!

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Jupiter and its moon Europa (left), seen through the 's NIRCam instrument.


infrared capabilities will be useful to study the “ocean worlds” of Europa and Saturn’s moon Enceladus,⬇️

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Comparison between JWST's and Hubble's Stephan's Quintet by ArgentFrequencies

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In the MIRI image (mid-infrared wavelengths), it doesn't seem to have an inner molecular ring, at least at JWST's resolution.

Comparison image is NGC 891 in Spitzer IRAC 3.6 μm and MIPS 24μm from Hughes et al. 2014 (

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