⚡️L I G H T N I N G S T R I K E S A G A I N⚡️
29 years ago was released in Japan. It doesn't need introduction, THE BEST Genesis/MD shooter and perhaps one of the best ever made. It has it all: Graphics, gameplay and music. A masterpiece

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Thunderforce is a Megadrive series that pushes the system, so many things happening on screen, Thunderforce 2 is a top down and side scrolling shooter, it's good.

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Darius and Thunderforce are my favorite shmup series that got less-than desireable representations on the SNES that I feel could be improved greatly with SA-1 Patches

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Today let me share you some gems collection :)
?? ???? ???? ??
Enjoy the platform fenechost
?? ???? ???? ??
Follow us on on :)

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on the on the and IV on the will get the pulses of many racing as fast as the retinas need to be to flourish. Also on the amongst other fresh retro arrivals. Stay Safe & Game On.

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Quick sketch of RVR-01 "Gauntlet" - the ship from Thunderforce V

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i want to draw more thunderforce stuff. This is Cenes Crawford from the Thunderforce V which is the only character that i can find at least some fanart for.

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Holy Thunderforce by Rhapsody

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ステージ1のLegendary Wingsは

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=== Alert ! ===
The Enemy is dead ahead

Area Guard Name : Error
Code : Error
Weapon : Error
Description : Kill it with Everything you have

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新作 ミニサイズ ガントレット(50㎜)
再販 SD ガントレット、STYX

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"12 Pixel Art Shmup Ships" by
>Radiant Silvergun

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予約終了前最後の告知です(多分)。『figma Shooting Game Historica Thunder force』の予約受付締め切りは10月17日21時です! マスプロダクトでの商品化の機会はなかなかないと思います。ぜひお買い逃しなく! 

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『figma Shooting Game Historica Thunder force』の予約受付は17日21:00まで。ホビーアイテムの宿命ですので、基本的に初回受注分のみの生産となると思います。迷われている方はエィっとよろしくお願いします! 

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IZMOJUKI Blog: SGH THUNDER FORCE III & IV 出雲重機がリデザインを担当しました。サンダーフォースIII&IVの自機がFREEingより商品化。現在予約受付中です! https://t.co/WPkFLLnZ2y

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SEGA AGES『サンダーフォースⅣ』配信祝ということで、以前作ったRynex貼っておきますねー。 

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SEGA AGES『サンダーフォースⅣ』は明日配信スタート! 『figma Shooting Game Historica Thunder force』も予約スタート間近です。今日はデザイナー・出雲重機氏による立体用デザインをご紹介します。#sega

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