Koisuru Otome to Syugo no Tate Re: Boot the "Shield-9" by


From the devs this is 5 - 8 hours long and is out now on

3 5

Crimson Spires by
A quick 30 minute Gothic Vampire Mystery by .
Out now on &
You can also it 6x (AS, EU, NA PS4/PS5)

Check it out here:

2 3

1 hour out now on
Check it out here:

2 5

Yupitergrad and by 2-5 hours for 100% 🎮🏆🥳
Swing through the air in this exciting platformer/puzzler!
Out now on
From &

5 12

Kaleidoscope of Phantom Prison (幻想牢獄のカレイドスコープ) and by 🍩 10 minutes using skip! Out now on from https://t.co/Gn58Js2VkY

3 6

Date A Live: Lotus Dystopia - デート・ア・ライブ 蓮ディストピア and by ferryjan, 1hr 30 - 2 hours 🎮🏆🥳 by https://t.co/q2VSgUWUwM

3 10

Aikiss - アイキス and by ferryjan! 5 mins 🎮🏆🥳 (Time based on Using Jump to next choice) Out now on and Romance by https://t.co/BPYr9oPBQs

3 11

Cinders and by ferryjan! 2-3 hours 🎮🏆🥳 with stacking lists! Out now on Retelling of the Cinderella with some twists style 😍 By & https://t.co/NuYrMl3d9I

8 13