More amazing Halloween designs by the super talent madman himself !!!

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🚀And speaking of Captain Kirk in Outer Space..."Who's that knock at my door?"🎨Joe Heller🚀#CaptainJamesTiberiusKirk

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Day 10: Submitted for your approval...

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Here is a bit of history. We actually pitched the Rod Serling estate to do this series. It ended up not happening and we struck a deal with the Vincent Price estate. The logo was a cool one!

Would you have read this anthology series?

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You are about to enter another high. A high not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Prepare to be ... Twilight Stoned 🚪#toonbuds

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🍊Twilight Zone🍊
2020. 06. 08


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prints by Stephen Andrade. He’s got a whole lotta more AMAZING prints available for purchase at

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Inktober Day 31 - Crawl “I feel so stupid! Can you imagine? A naked man crawling along the wing of an airplane at 35,000 feet?”

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Now we’re slipping into the Twilight Zone. Happy everyone. Working on the scary story I hope you’ll be reading next Halloween before the festivities start this evening.

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