Twinkleshine: How can we help?

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*Octavia headed towards the blue Floofmare that was Trixie*

Twinkleshine: Here's Trixie the Floofmare. ^^

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Twinkleshine: Which one should wake up first? There's Ven, Starlight, Sunburst, or Trixie.

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Twinkleshine: Nope, and I think one of them here, at the entrance, is about to wake up. Would you like to talk to them as well?

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Twinkleshine: Dr. Fauna is at the Peaceful Place, buried within the floof and in a deep sleep.

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Twinkleshine: Hi, Octavia, Hi, Vinyl. I'm the one who did this, plus some help from Dr. Fauna.

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Dinky: Twinkleshine was thinking about having you be turned to stone forever. Edith and I would be happy to do so, as long as you are OK with it.

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Twinkleshine: Why don't we ask her? Let's bring Edith over to the Maud statue.

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Twinkleshine: It's about Maud, do you think it'd be possible to keep her as a stone statue forever?

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*Twinkleshine went to the Fields of Innocence and saw Dinky cleaning the CMC statues while Edith was laying down in her new cave*

Twinkleshine: Dinky, may I ask you something?

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*Dr. Fauna was completely buried in the green floof, leaving a small hump on the ground. Twinkleshine smiled, knowing that she's having fun here*

Twinkleshine: Sleep well, Dr. Fauna.

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Twinkleshine: Enjoy your nap, Dr. Fauna. :)

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Twinkleshine: You'll automatically be uncovered whenever you want to wake.

*At this point, the green floof had buried Dr Fauna, leaving only her head visible.*

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Twinkleshine: You are getting buried in the green floof on the ground. Think of it like being covered in a large blanket.

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Twinkleshine: Something comforting will happen when you lay down here. Feel free to give it try.

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Twinkleshine: Also, there's something else that's special about this place. Why don't you get yourself some rest, you must be getting tired after the tour.

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Twinkleshine: Feel free to come back here at anytime while this place is open.

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Twinkleshine: I'm glad you enjoy this place, Dr. Fauna.

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Twinkleshine: The Sanctuary of Harmony is a beloved place in Equestria. It's been here for 2 years and is still attracting many visitors from all over the world.

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Twinkleshine: And of course there's my area, which is the very entrance to the Sanctuary of Harmony itself. It's also the home of the Floof Tree.

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