Sketch doodle fullbody commission for @ TwinkleShineuwu !
Tysm for commissioning me <33

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Twinkleshine: That's the Soft and Fluffy Trixie. XD

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Twinkleshine: You all ready for the Floofy Oasis?

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Twinkleshine: Agreed. Now, do you have any other questions, Ocellus? :)

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Twinkleshine: The Floof Tree is currently 3 years old.

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*Lightning Dust flew towards Canterlot and went to the Gardens, once she saw the snow covered Twinkleshine statue, she landed in front of the petrified caretaker and waited for Spitfire.*

Lightning Dust: Looking great, Twinkleshine.

*She saluted at the snow covered statue*

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*Twinkleshine brought you to the Floof Tree*

Twinkleshine: Here he is. :)

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Hello, everypony, my name is Twinkleshine, caretaker of the Entrance and the Floofy Oasis at the Sanctuary of Harmony. I am here to answer any family friendly questions you all may have. If you have any questions for me, feel free to reply and I'll answer as soon as I can. :)

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*At the Canterlot Gardens, Celestia and Luna were admiring the snow covered stone statue of Twinkleshine, which was recently placed there after Twinkleshine got petrified so that she can enter her winter hibernation.*

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Caretaker for the Floofy Oasis as well as the Entrance.

A kind hearted unicorn mare that welcomes all visitors to the Sanctuary of Harmony. Ironically, she's the last caretaker to be appointed by Princess Celestia herself.

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*Meanwhile, Celestia and Luna had placed the petrified Twinkleshine in the center of the city of Canterlot*

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*Sugar Belle hugged the Twinkleshine statue*

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Sugar Belle: Nonetheless, this is a great looking statue of Twinkleshine.

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Sugar Belle: Oh, look over there next to the Floofmare.

*Sugar Belle pointed to the stone statue of Twinkleshine. Celestia moved the statues of the caretakers to their respective locations. Twinkleshine was standing on a pedestal with her name carved on it*

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Twinkleshine: Maybe after Nightmare Night is over, he can turn each of us into stone and have turn us back to normal when spring arrives?

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Twinkleshine: Dinky, do you still have Edith with you?

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Twinkleshine: Hey guys, I just got an idea.

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Twinkleshine: Let's check out the other areas first.

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