Nog maar 5 dagen tot persconferentie!!! Wat hoop jij te zien? 😏

2 17

E3 is approaching and we can finally mention that we were kindly invited to test an upcoming community oriented tool for Odyssey!

We can’t say much more for now, but we suggest you checking the Pre-Show for more details!

35 286

Get a first look at what the Beyond Good and Evil 2 team are showing off this >> ||

130 545

Beyond Good & Evil 2 Artwork

18 23

Far Cry 5 with a unique blend of racism, religion, and firepower.

1 2

me when they announced the new south park game (I hate south park)

0 1

The Assassin's Creed Origins game looks beautiful in 4k. See the trailer here:

1 2

what's wrong with mario's lips

0 1

Mon gros believe de ce soir à la conférence (comme chaque année depuis 2006)

10 24

Voici donc le programme des conférences qui seront diffusées sur la chaîne.
On espère vous voir nombreux!!

10 26

Ubisoftが国内向けにE3プレスカンファレンス「#UbiE3」の日本語同時通訳付き生放送をアナウンス、放送開始は6月13日午前5時 -

79 42

UbisoftがE3プレスカンファレンス「#UbiE3」のスケジュールを発表、各社の開催スケジュールまとめ -

48 36

Otro rumor que se hace realidad en el con el simpático regreso de

1 0